The ‘Soul Tears’ TV show was created by Zoe Clark-Coates and was launched in late 2018 on Sky, Freeview and Freesat. The show is hosted by Zoe Clark-Coates and explores stories of loss, grief and hope. With guests ranging from celebrities and singers, to business leaders and social media influencers, the show gives hope to those who feel isolated and alone. You can see all seasons using this link – Soul Tears
The all new ‘Soul Tears’ services, which have taken place around the UK are currently suspended due to Covid-19, and as such a series of online events will be launching in May 2020.
Soul Tears resources organisations to help them provide the best support possible to people who have suffered a loss.
Over the coming months, Soul Tears will be producing downloadable information booklets and training documents, enabling organisations to further equip their teams, and allowing those teams to provide resources to their communities.
Soul Tears is collaborating with organisations such as the Mariposa Trust to provide avenues for ongoing support. Links to these organisations will be available on the contact page.